Had so utterly lost hope in the sunsets of Dehradune....
Suddenly getting back to order
Am listeningto Silk Route today
Like long back when I would look at the day in the various tones of sunset fallin on my table
Natalie goldberg, Ruskin Bond, Dalai Lama were the distant lights filling me with hope
Those days I had just one vocation, dream dream dream
And then the this real life,
Where cynicism took away the lights out of Dehra
So I thot it wouldnt matter any longer
But I guess...Dehra shall remain
With the promise of sunsets and Darjling tea
My garden smelling of summer
Marigolds,Pansies,and lots of Sweet peas
Bookshelves lined up, smelling of Old books
Statues of Buddha in my garden
Hanuman Chatti, Neem Krori baba,Dehra bazar
Swaying Deodars, Oaks,and Poison Ivys on the wall
Some ghosts in the neighbourhood
Old friends and some old songs.
Thats my dream that hasnt died
Should I thank somebody?
Maybe I should!
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