May 27, 2010


Classified Adverstisement

Its Guru Purnima today and feel this great longing for a pair of feet which wouldnt shrink in self consciousness or bloat in pride when I touch them.This longing for a guru has almost reached manic scale like the search for soul mates and I am beginning to rethink is this whole thing a HYPE? Like how long does the student keep feeling ready in the killing sun for a guru to appear out of thin air? I think I have stood long time now! Why dont you make an entry now?

I am done with leaping at you in songs and catching you in  lines of my favorite authors! I command you manifest! As a skin and bones guru with roughly millions following you. You must be a good looking man above 6 ft with a killing smile. It would be cool if you live in Delhi but you could be at the weekend destinations from delhi too(Rishikest is ideal). You must be polished and Well qualified. You should not have an accent. You better not have too many big cars( they reek of black money) It would b nice if your smile is pleasant. Salt and Pepper hair is nice these days( whoever takes hairdyed gurus!) I would love you more if you dont keep any compulsory fees for meeting you( You arent a shrink you are a guru!) I hope you have a big ashram with windows overlooking palm trees! Reach me now!

1 comment:

Nipun said...

I like it!
Witty and sharp.