Apr 20, 2007

Laughing out loud!

Sometimes in life when you are struck so bad that you cant cry, life becomes utterly hilarious...
It takes a lot of growing up before you can start seeing the humour in things....and thats when you can be sure ...that you wont marry the fly...
you wudnt become so subjective that you stop noticing other things and people.
Have been feeling guilty about laughing on what had happened in my life, but did I have a choice?
Heroine ran away leaving half the shoot,
Blew it up with a man who was like smell of wet mud...
Overstayed my welcome with a friend,
Didnt get a call from an job interview...
blah blah blah....
cudnt cry coz have no energy or patience left....has happened too many times with me...so am laughing like mad lunatic.....
The joke is on me! But its funny aint it...and it hurts less if you laugh out loudly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"a man who was like smell of wet mud..."

nice. very nice.