Big fish, Small fish, silly fish, smart fish, fishes that slur, fishes that dont slur, fishes that swim upstream and have lots of work, fishes that swim with the flow and have no work, fishes that have big teeth, fishes that have teeth missing.. fishes who are scared of the ocean and fishes who are not scared of the ocean..
fishes that spin yarns and tie people to ocean, fishes that float and dont tie any yarns anywhere..fishes that are poked into or fishes that poke into others..fishes that see the blue sky, and fishes that are blind, fishes that see the bait and fishes who dont see the bait. shy fishes and shameless fishes...lying fishes and truthful fishes..all kinds of fish fall in love!
cant help it :) love is for everyone
why the hook my dear, why not the ocean?
thats what being in love feels like Maddy :(
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