Aug 10, 2011

A letter to Indiffrence

Indifference is the strongest force in the universe. It makes everything it touches meaningless. Love and hate don't stand a chance against it.-The Snow Queen

Dear Indifference,
Never thought Id ever write a letter to you. After all what difference does it make to you whether I write to you or not. You I suppose will still insist on denying me the attention that I demand as a human being, as someone who cares! And we're not quite on talking terms really!
Well I have been meaning to speak to you,You know how you look through me. Defeating me like nothing else does.
Now don’t think I am getting clingy or anything! I am just being a human being who bonds with human beings and finds happiness in relating to others around me! Its not a crime when you are not around to make it all so Toxic Mr Indiffrence’
 What a sad scene we humans make when fighting you. Its like a bitch slap. It stings its unjust and its just there! And no one can help. Not friends, not strangers no one can take away the gloom that you leave after you walk over sentient beings.
But today I am at your gate to get to know you better. Where do you come in our lives indifference? Exactly what are you made of? Are you kind of a shield that covers the soft parts of those who wear you around them? Are you a bandage for pain? Do you work in easing the pain on one side of a relationship while hurling it on the other side?
How long do you stay? What do you do the hearts where you make a home? Do they go back to their original natures or are indifferent people forever indifferent? How do you erase the memory of sunny warm days? Do you temporarily disable them or do you delete them forever.
How many lovers have you killed? How many mothers?How many dads? How many friends? How many strangers? How many humans in total?
How does it feel to peel of human beings of their essential nature? Where do you stand and watch one human being looking indifferently at the others sorrow? Is it a high is a low or is it an indifferent feeling for you? How does it feel to see them suffer for their humanly affections? How does this going numb on the pain of same species happen? Do you forget that all humans are made of the same clay and everyones tears are salty. How exactly do you possess and strangle hearts Mr Indiffrence?
You must be related to death in some way no? You bring along all that death brings along. Forgetting and ceasing of emotions or all feelings.What is left in humans after that anyway?! Really?!
It must be a good life being indifference no? Nothing affects you, Nothing hurts you, you remember nothing, you miss nothing, you feel nothing! Causing a deep hollow spot wherever you strike!
Go on as you do indiffrence! I see there must be heavens willing somewhere for you to pitch your tents into the human hearts!
Much love
A human being who suffers from your presence!