Big Fish: "I have been there done that! I came before you!"
Small Fish: "I came today..but I am gonne be there where you are one day!"
Big Fish: "I am very important"
Small Fish: "I know...I even liked you perhaps because of that"
Big Fish: "I do important things..I dont have time to waste on you and your faults"
Small Fish: "Its gonna take sometime for me to learn...I dont know if I can help that...but thats how you started..didnt you?"
Big Fish "Go away I am angry"
Small Fish: "If I go away how will you be important anymore?"
What if the big fish is not angry just hungry.
Isn't it saner to run away at the time, or philosophically life eats us like a big fish so we can also be a part of something important.
By the way i always tried to carry an aura of importance around me. Hell with the world who thought me to be a small fish.
Which one has sharper blades for bones?
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