She twinkles in the moonlite like today's...
Sleeping in an alien city now..wonder if she has had dinner or has she dozed off on the bed alongside the books.She likes tea before sleeping( yellow label with very little sugar).Nights with her are like a balm...There is absolutely nothing that cant be paired down to perspective(except the temperature of the air conditioner..she likes to sleep freezing)
Everything has a proper place.You like me wouldnt know it until you know better from her!The big decisions and the small decisions are all in her EDL. Just press the button and you would know Just the right thing for you!You're a big fish or a small fish or a medium sized fish..she has a recipe for every disaster that you have tasted in life so far!(Really i am telling you!)
Lying beside her on nights like these,I have felt gawky and bumbling..like one feels while holding a little baby in one's big scratched hands. My smoothness has all gone where her shines bright! My courage is waning away while she still protects her dreams in a small wicked space...I bump into walls and reach her to ask why didnt I see them?
On dark nights when the greys of the world leaave me blind with their details, I miss those eyes of light!
Gullu Bhai...I feel like crying out and shouting loud...I miss you...and I miss those days! Mango-Roti, Dahi, Mattha in a red bag, few grapes..i miss that red old bag, I miss those big chappals that have walked miles across kapaseda border...I miss travelling in auto with you ..I miss shoppping together for every damn thing...I miss those regular meethi chais....I miss facebooking/orkutting with you at midnight...I miss your act of suddenly wakign up and switching off not only AC but also teh fan.. :( I miss everything about us! We will be together soon...we are the century's hottest tom and Jerry! WE WILL BE BACK SOON...Just that AAJ KAL MEDDDIEEEEAAA MEIN CREDAIVIDY NAHI HAI!;)
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